
Serverless for the win

You are working on your magical app and wanted the world to use it. What do you do? Well, you deploy it on a machine connected to the internet and start serving your application. This machine of yours is typically known as a server. Physical Machine When you setup your own physical machine you will … Continue reading Serverless for the win

Backtracking Algorithm

In this blog we will discuss another problem solving strategy known as Backtracking. Backtracking is in a way similar to brute force paradigm to solve a problem but has some optimisations which make it better than vanilla brute force algorithms. Backtracking problems generally have many possible solutions and the intention is to find them all. … Continue reading Backtracking Algorithm

Log tracing with Correlation-id

In almost every enterprise system we log information which helps us in debugging in case of any issues. However sometimes it becomes challenging to follow and infer anything meaningful from these logs. There can be many reasons for this problem Too little logging Too much logging Not logging any context information so as to identify … Continue reading Log tracing with Correlation-id

TDD with Jest

In this video series I will take you on a journey to learn test driven development with Jest and React Testing library. I will regularly post more videos covering all the important topics in Jest like mocking, assertions etc. I hope at the end of the series you will have a fair level of expertise … Continue reading TDD with Jest

Clean coding tips for Lambda and Streams in Java

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. – Martin Fowler The intent of this blog post is to make sure that we are writing code which is readable, understandable, maintainable. A readable code helps its maintainer and results in lesser issues and bugs over … Continue reading Clean coding tips for Lambda and Streams in Java

A basic GraphQL API

This blog is a second blog in the GraphQL series. In the first blog, we have seen the changes which GraphQL has brought from the days of RESTful service. In this blog, we will see a working demo of a GraphQL service where we will cover things like Resolvers Queries Mutations GraphiQL These things will … Continue reading A basic GraphQL API

GraphQL Vs REST & Introduction to GraphQL

We all have created numerous REST services so much so that eventually REST has become a de facto standard for creating web based API and surely they have served the purpose really well. However with changing technological needs we have encountered multiple situations where REST seems limiting. Things like versioning and supporting multiple kind of … Continue reading GraphQL Vs REST & Introduction to GraphQL

Bean Validations in Micronaut

One of the most important aspects of any application code is to ensure that we are having correct data before it can be processed or shared with any other system. This ensures that we are working with valid data and avoid any issues which can result due to data inconsistencies. Problem at hand We spend … Continue reading Bean Validations in Micronaut

Running sonarqube analysis as part of your Gradle build

Sonarqube provides a way to analyse our code and find code quality issues with static code analysis. Running Sonarqube helps a developer to write better code and so we must run sonar analysis as frequently as possible. However that is easier said than done. The reason for that is that in most organisations we have … Continue reading Running sonarqube analysis as part of your Gradle build

Practical Guide on Unit Tests and Integration Tests

In programming whenever we are building any system we should always back it with proper testing. The intention behind these tests should be to cover what ever we have written. It helps in catching regression issues when we are working on different parts of the application. These tests vary in their scope and can have … Continue reading Practical Guide on Unit Tests and Integration Tests